about me

he/him or moth/moths
21 y/o
sagittarius sun/scorpio moon/scorpio rising
infp + 9w1
i tend to post about several different media at any given time, along with some original stuff
a more or less complete list of the stuff i post can be found here

my instagram - just my art
my twitter - my art plus sketches, very retweet heavy
my main tumblr - my art, along with other cool art
my flight rising blog - relatively new!
before you follow

i am bit selective with follow backs
no matter what, if you want me to tag or even take down things, just let me know! your comfort is important!
even if we aren't following each other, if you wanna talk to me, please do! if you talk to me i am much more likely to follow you.
do not interact if: standard dni criteria applies to you (aka bigotry), you support or engage with incest or adult/minor ships, you think ace people are just cishet lite, you are against gnc lesbians, you think being trans requires dysphoria, etc.
media and characters

animanga: demon slayer, haikyuu, jigokuraku, promare, sk8 the infinity, monster no. 8, spy x family
video games: ★ace attorney★, hades
other: pokemon (the tcg), alternative fashion, moths (and mothman), seals, cats, sea slugs
this is not an exhaustive list by any means
i love it when people recommend stuff to me!
phoenix wright, dick gumshoe (ace attorney)
genya shinazugawa, tanjiro kamado, mitsuri kanroji(demon slayer)
shoyo hinata, tobio kageyama, lev haiba (haikyuu)
galo thymos (promare)